Enjoy a Sunday Afternoon of Good Music
Do you love playing Jazz?
Do you love singing Jazz?
Do you love listening to jazz?
Admission is FREE!!!
Next Jam is on March 9th!
Come join us at the Labyrinth Walk Coffee House on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Sessions start at 3pm and end around 5pm. We are located at 3839 W. Kiest Blvd, Dallas, TX 75233
If you participate by listening then bring your wine, beer and a feast for your appetite. Come planning on having a great time and hearing some of the finest musicians in the Metroplex. Please invite your friends. The admission is free but the experience is priceless!!! It’s a perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Please sign up below for our eNews if you’d like to be notified of all of our upcoming Jazz Jams and other events put on by the LabyrinthWalk Coffeehouse.
Players bring your instruments of choice, and your Real Books (Hal Leonard 6th edition VOL I & II) and join in with the fun. If you want to try something newly written, bring it along as well.
Bring your own amplification if you need it. We have a house mic for singers but players should bring their own amps. We usually have horns (trumpets, trombones, saxophones, etc), plus drums and piano. We do not blast everyone out but you may find some amplification to be desired. Please sign up below to receive emails before each event if you plan on joining us on stage for the Jazz Jams.
We enjoy supporting singers who come to join in. We play jazz standards but also try our best to accommodate your favorite songs. Let us know as soon as you can, ahead of time may be better, on-the-spot is also good. We’ll enjoy whatever the experience renders. Some of our regulars may be able to assist if you need help or encouragement. We all are here to support one another. We have a house mic and PA for vocalists. Please sign up below to receive emails before each event if you plan on joining us to sing with the Jazz Jams.
We Do Accept Tips!
All tips will be distributed evenly among the band members. Please help us show our appreciation for our musicians.
All Musicians Attending
We always need drummers willing to set up and share their drums for the occasions. RSVP if possible so we will know how many to expect. If not, please show up anyway. All are welcome.